
coffee office woman

Everyday Coffee Beans. Smart and strong

I’m a real coffee lover, I drink it in the morning, at noon and in the evening right before I go to bed. And I sleep pretty well as well. Some people don’t. But I belong to the people who do not get much affected by caffeine and become hyper awake. I love drinking coffee at home, and recently I started buying coffee beans only, which I grind myself. I do this in the shops because it’s easier. Finally I realized that fresh grind coffee smells and tastes so much better. I first became a coffee drinker in my early twenties, and had to have sugar, cinnamon and milk in it, because I disliked the smell and taste. With these ingredients I could endure it. Nowadays I’m fine with milk only. I also love drinking coffee at cafés, where cafe latte is the favorite. But sometimes you also got to add some variations and try some of the other coffee beverages. It’s also nice here in Copenhagen, with all the cafés to go to. Health Drinking coffee is also very beneficial for your health. I did not always know or believe that. But today I think it’s true. It can make you smarter, burn fat, improve physical performance and make you more awake. Ha – the last one doesn’t count me. The best in life tends to be the small things that make your days better. Coffee belongs to these small pleasures in my world. Coffee Quotes of Smiles A little research on coffee related quotes, quickly reveals the stereotypes or truth about coffee. ‘Keeping you wake’ and ‘life is too short for bad coffee.’ And this one by David Letterman, which is new to me: ‘“If it wasn’t for the coffee, I’d have no identifiable personality whatsoever. “ Did I mention I also love to illustrate people drinking coffee along with many other topics.

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fashion illustration for the new srping items

Fashion Illustrations

A collaboration with Fashion illustrations and ladies all lined up for the upcoming spring 2018. Yeah!:) I created these fashion illustrations in collaboration with They are used in an article about spring and the clothes we love to have and wear. Here are some of them. The french trench coat, a lovely ivory pantsuit and a hot sleeve crop top. Recently I started to create digital illustrations. And I thought this would fit well to this content, as it is more colorful and strong. But now you must jump over to read the article and get inspired. And guess what, the people at told me they also need the sun just as much as we do in Scandinavia. Fashion Illustrations Entering Marts and the lovely spring weather is around the cornor. It’s always great when the days get lighter and longer. Time to dust of the spring clothes in the closet and look for new items in the shops and it will also be perfect to illustrate and draw some of them. I already have two from Benetton, a blue and a black and a beige from Day. A great coat when winter outerwear is too hot and summer jackets too cold. It’s also a coat you can use for almost any occasion and matter. It’s both casual and stylish enough to wear in more formal settings. I use it with jeans, tights, skirts and dresses for business, café visits, and parties. Spring Wardrobe What I would love to add to my wardrobe is a drizzling yellow flare sleeve crop top. It has the right amount of playfulness that I like. It’s also an item I don’t have, so it could be fun to try. The lovely ivory pantsuit will be wonderful when spring is high. Perfect for cocktail and dinner parties or for a fresh little walk in the park and by the lakes!:) That’s it for now, I guess. So – what about you. Have you already decided which fashion topics to add for your spring wardrobe? Looking forward to hearing from you. See also my other fashion illustrations and the new digital style. [maxbutton id=”4″ url=”” text=”Or say hi!” ]

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It’s mine ☝️

Situations from doing some errands On my way to do errands, an elderly well dressed man, made eye contact and said something I couldn’t hear. So I thought he was asking for money. He repeated what he said and begged me to come with him, because he was finite. I got shocked, and said I was sorry, but didn’t have time to help him. I hurried on to the shop, and wasn’t quite ok with turning a man down in such a condition. When I pulled my number in the store, a women put out her hand and said it was hers. She had forgot to pull her number, but obvious the one in my hand wasn’t hers. BUT – I gave it to her, and saw it as an opportunity to brush of some of my bad feelings not helping the man on the street. Always do good deeds when you can – and YES, you can! You can see  more of my digital illustrations here.

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New web-site for Danish Kids

New website for Danish Kids, a non-profit organization that supports poor families and school children in Minglanilla, Philippines. I used WordPress and Sydney as template which also is responsive, and I think it fits well for this project, mainly because of the big slider with texts on the front page. The page contains opportunities for membership and donations, information about the organization, connection to social media, video display and so on. The people from Danish Kids are very satisfied with how it came out! Have a look: More on the project click here Do contact me if you are a NGO, artist or anything else, and need a new website, and I will love to make one for you too. Susanne

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growth mindset carol dweck


Brainplay-Hjernespil – together with Navigent I developed a set of playing cards for school kids, to learn about the brain in five different categories – motion, food, sleep, neurons and challenges. Rules and concept of the cards are based on the car cards from the eighties and the growth mindset by Carol Dweck. Cards are fun and social, perfect for learning!:) See more of the project here: growth mindset

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Hi guys! I have been participating in #illustratewithus a weekly challenge by @aeldrawas_ and @denacooperillustration on Instagram. It’s a super fine way to get in touch with other illustrators and it’s also fun to see different interpretations of the same subject. I’ve been in for the last three weeks and the photos are so fine and the models are chick and beautiful. It’s better to draw together than alone! If you want to take part, jump over to Alessia Landi’s blog and read the guide lines. Here is my illustration from the first week, you can see the others here #illustratewithus. Best, Susanne  

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fashion luxury beauty

Gucci – fresh & colorful!

Gucci Inspiration. A little update from here. The newest fashion illustration I made of Gucci Spring 2016. Amazing collection in colors and accessories, and the glasses – cool and nerdy 🙂 Romantic in a modern city way. I’ve been more into designing lately – graphic design. Stay tuned!  

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I heart shoes

Hi! I am so excited, will I have a new pair of shoes for Christmas? 🙂 Shoes are always a welcome gift and an accessory you never can have enough of. The lovely shapes, fancy heals, flats and the hot ones for sport. Many of them are like little artworks, I could start a collection right away. And now 2015 is coming to an end in a moment, how quick and sad. I am so glad I started this blog, and my goal is to write and develop more on this in the new year. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. A shoe illustration which you also can see on my Instagram.

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Art prints on Etsy

Check out my Etsy shop, if you are interested in art prints. I have prints of original watercolor paintings with portraits, fashion and nature as subjects. They have a light expression and some are boosted in colors and others are more moderate. I think they fit in to most modern decor and they are also suitable for professional settings. Kunst print på Etsy Er du interesseret i kunst print, så kig forbi min Etsy shop. Jeg har prints af originale akvarel malerier med fokus på portrætter, mode og natur. De har et let udtryk og nogle er en eksplosion af farver, mens andre er mere dæmpede. Billederne passer ind i de fleste moderne hjem og boligindretninger, og de er også velegnede i mere professionelle omgivelser.

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Draw a Dot Marc Jacobs Open Call November 2015

I participate in the new Draw a Dot Open Call with Marc Jacobs Fall 2015 as the subject. An interesting collection with many nice details and some reference to Celtic clothing with tern and berets and dark blue and deep red colors. I have already started sketching and posting to the group on Instagram. It is also interesting to see the other participants interpretations and choices. In the beginning I was especially fascinated by the models hairstyles, and it turns out they are inspired by the 80s and the punk rock scene. Maybe this explains why one of my drawings got a very bad-ass look 🙂 More fashion illustrations here. Draw a Dot Marc Jacobs Open Call November 2015 Jeg deltager i denne måneds Draw a Dot Open Call med Marc Jacobs som novembers emne. En interessant kollektion med mange spændende detaljer, og referencer til Celtic bekædning med tern og baratter og møke blå og dyb røde farver. Jeg er allerede i gang med at skitsere og poste til gruppen på Instagram. Det er også interessant at følge med i de andre deltageres fortolkninger og valg. I begyndelsen var jeg især tiltrukket af modellernes frisurer, som er inspireret af firserne og punk rock scenen. Måske det er forklaringen på hvorfor en af mine tegninger fik en lidt ‘bad-ass’ drejning 😀

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