


Maintenance – freshening up the site a little with new structure, look, and feel. Not quite finished yet, but it’s possible to have a look around a see a good portion of everything. The site had grown out of it’s design, and become a little messy, because it wasn’t planed enough from the start. Also the former structure was made out of a one-page template, as I thought it was a good idea to place all content on the front page. Lately I found that this is not working anymore, and as my business is divided into design and illustration, it is quite easy to put that into a more planed presentation – jobs plus illustration. And just found this animated gif from last year.      

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It’s mine ☝️

Situations from doing some errands On my way to do errands, an elderly well dressed man, made eye contact and said something I couldn’t hear. So I thought he was asking for money. He repeated what he said and begged me to come with him, because he was finite. I got shocked, and said I was sorry, but didn’t have time to help him. I hurried on to the shop, and wasn’t quite ok with turning a man down in such a condition. When I pulled my number in the store, a women put out her hand and said it was hers. She had forgot to pull her number, but obvious the one in my hand wasn’t hers. BUT – I gave it to her, and saw it as an opportunity to brush of some of my bad feelings not helping the man on the street. Always do good deeds when you can – and YES, you can! You can see  more of my digital illustrations here.

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New web-site for Danish Kids

New website for Danish Kids, a non-profit organization that supports poor families and school children in Minglanilla, Philippines. I used WordPress and Sydney as template which also is responsive, and I think it fits well for this project, mainly because of the big slider with texts on the front page. The page contains opportunities for membership and donations, information about the organization, connection to social media, video display and so on. The people from Danish Kids are very satisfied with how it came out! Have a look: More on the project click here Do contact me if you are a NGO, artist or anything else, and need a new website, and I will love to make one for you too. Susanne

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growth mindset carol dweck


Brainplay-Hjernespil – together with Navigent I developed a set of playing cards for school kids, to learn about the brain in five different categories – motion, food, sleep, neurons and challenges. Rules and concept of the cards are based on the car cards from the eighties and the growth mindset by Carol Dweck. Cards are fun and social, perfect for learning!:) See more of the project here: growth mindset

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Fendi & me

Fendi and me is the news I got for you. Yes, they made such a fine re-post on Instagram of an illustration I made of their fall-winter2016 collection. How wonderful is that!!! And as you may know Fendi is 90 years this year, and celebrated it with a spectacular fashion show at the Trevi Fountain, where they launched the Legends & Fairy Tales collection. They have also made such an adorable exhibition, I have seen so many cool pictures of this on Instagram. It looks like a pop-futuristic world in real life. I want to see it :)) You can see my illustration on Instagram here. And you can also see more of my fashion – lifestyle illustrations in watercolor here. Best, Susanne!

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Fashion illustration for blog and social media content+

A new service is up:)) I got a good start on this new project, as I was lucky to have Inma Rocamora Ruiz from Natural Elegance Fashion Blog, as my model, collaborator and ambassador! Illustration has become extremely popular on social media. And Instagram has highly contributed to the growth and demand for artistic images.   So why not use them on fashion and lifestyle blogs, too? My illustrations are mostly made in watercolor, which give you the opportunity to hang them on the wall or use them digital on different sites. A tailored illustration is a fine supplement and a great contrast to photographs, which tend to get more and more styled to perfection. Illustration brings back the human touch!   See also the nice post Inma wrote: Natural Elegance Fashion Blog 

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fashion luxury beauty

Gucci – fresh & colorful!

Gucci Inspiration. A little update from here. The newest fashion illustration I made of Gucci Spring 2016. Amazing collection in colors and accessories, and the glasses – cool and nerdy 🙂 Romantic in a modern city way. I’ve been more into designing lately – graphic design. Stay tuned!  

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