
I heart shoes

Hi! I am so excited, will I have a new pair of shoes for Christmas? 🙂 Shoes are always a welcome gift and an accessory you never can have enough of. The lovely shapes, fancy heals, flats and the hot ones for sport. Many of them are like little artworks, I could start a collection right away. And now 2015 is coming to an end in a moment, how quick and sad. I am so glad I started this blog, and my goal is to write and develop more on this in the new year. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. A shoe illustration which you also can see on my Instagram.

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Draw a Dot Marc Jacobs Open Call November 2015

I participate in the new Draw a Dot Open Call with Marc Jacobs Fall 2015 as the subject. An interesting collection with many nice details and some reference to Celtic clothing with tern and berets and dark blue and deep red colors. I have already started sketching and posting to the group on Instagram. It is also interesting to see the other participants interpretations and choices. In the beginning I was especially fascinated by the models hairstyles, and it turns out they are inspired by the 80s and the punk rock scene. Maybe this explains why one of my drawings got a very bad-ass look 🙂 More fashion illustrations here. Draw a Dot Marc Jacobs Open Call November 2015 Jeg deltager i denne måneds Draw a Dot Open Call med Marc Jacobs som novembers emne. En interessant kollektion med mange spændende detaljer, og referencer til Celtic bekædning med tern og baratter og møke blå og dyb røde farver. Jeg er allerede i gang med at skitsere og poste til gruppen på Instagram. Det er også interessant at følge med i de andre deltageres fortolkninger og valg. I begyndelsen var jeg især tiltrukket af modellernes frisurer, som er inspireret af firserne og punk rock scenen. Måske det er forklaringen på hvorfor en af mine tegninger fik en lidt ‘bad-ass’ drejning 😀

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