
It’s mine ☝️

Situations from doing some errands On my way to do errands, an elderly well dressed man, made eye contact and said something I couldn’t hear. So I thought he was asking for money. He repeated what he said and begged me to come with him, because he was finite. I got shocked, and said I was sorry, but didn’t have time to help him. I hurried on to the shop, and wasn’t quite ok with turning a man down in such a condition. When I pulled my number in the store, a women put out her hand and said it was hers. She had forgot to pull her number, but obvious the one in my hand wasn’t hers. BUT – I gave it to her, and saw it as an opportunity to brush of some of my bad feelings not helping the man on the street. Always do good deeds when you can – and YES, you can! You can see  more of my digital illustrations here.

It’s mine ☝️ Read More »


Fashion illustration for blog and social media content+

A new service is up:)) I got a good start on this new project, as I was lucky to have Inma Rocamora Ruiz from Natural Elegance Fashion Blog, as my model, collaborator and ambassador! Illustration has become extremely popular on social media. And Instagram has highly contributed to the growth and demand for artistic images.   So why not use them on fashion and lifestyle blogs, too? My illustrations are mostly made in watercolor, which give you the opportunity to hang them on the wall or use them digital on different sites. A tailored illustration is a fine supplement and a great contrast to photographs, which tend to get more and more styled to perfection. Illustration brings back the human touch!   See also the nice post Inma wrote: Natural Elegance Fashion Blog 

Fashion illustration for blog and social media content+ Read More »

Draw a Dot Marc Jacobs Open Call November 2015

I participate in the new Draw a Dot Open Call with Marc Jacobs Fall 2015 as the subject. An interesting collection with many nice details and some reference to Celtic clothing with tern and berets and dark blue and deep red colors. I have already started sketching and posting to the group on Instagram. It is also interesting to see the other participants interpretations and choices. In the beginning I was especially fascinated by the models hairstyles, and it turns out they are inspired by the 80s and the punk rock scene. Maybe this explains why one of my drawings got a very bad-ass look 🙂 More fashion illustrations here. Draw a Dot Marc Jacobs Open Call November 2015 Jeg deltager i denne måneds Draw a Dot Open Call med Marc Jacobs som novembers emne. En interessant kollektion med mange spændende detaljer, og referencer til Celtic bekædning med tern og baratter og møke blå og dyb røde farver. Jeg er allerede i gang med at skitsere og poste til gruppen på Instagram. Det er også interessant at følge med i de andre deltageres fortolkninger og valg. I begyndelsen var jeg især tiltrukket af modellernes frisurer, som er inspireret af firserne og punk rock scenen. Måske det er forklaringen på hvorfor en af mine tegninger fik en lidt ‘bad-ass’ drejning 😀

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