Maybe 2016 will be the turning point for responsive webdesign . It is said that ca. 60% browse the net via their phones. Those figures have only increased over the years. Some places smartphones are now the most used devices getting online. And Google favors responsive ranking them better in search results.

I have been working on some new responsive designs, which came out very fine. You can see an example here:

The designs can be customized, so it fits your business and brand, with colors, fonts, pictures and so on. This is just to show you that it works. And you will have something beautiful, clean and modern.

Interested, contact me via email, and let us talk about your needs and possibilities.

Responsivt webdesign

Måske er 2016 året der boomer mht. responsivt design. Ca. 60% går på nettet med deres telefoner. Det tal er støt stigende over de senere år. Og nogle steder er smartphones blevet det mest benyttede produkt at browse nettet med.

Jeg har udviklet et responsivt design, som blev rigtig fint. Du kan se et eksempel her:

Responsivt design kan tilpasses, så det matcher jeres forretning og brand, med farver, fonte, billleder og så videre. Eksemplet er blot for at vise hvordan det virker. Og i vil få et design, der ofte er smukt, rent og moderne.

Interesseret, så kontakt mig, og lad os se på jeres behov og muligheder.

Susanne Riber

Susanne Riber illustration and visual content.

Published by
Susanne Riber

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